how to mess with someones computer

  Have you ever thought of messing up with your friend's PC or maybe your siblings ? No offense, just for Fun ! To take that one little revenge, that has been rolling in your wildest dreams? and hey don't you worry, you don't need to be, what's called an " Geek ",a " software Dev" or download any weird 3rd party programs which create chaos, when some mundane add-ons pop-up every time you open up any browser, which of course are due to that software! You see, I'm here to help. let's help your friend complete his project in a more fun way(no offense).

  So, let's learn how to tangle up anyone's PC, with few simple steps all you need is notepad !

1.)  Simply head over to start, then onto search & then type in Notepad and open it.

2.) Type :  Start pokemon.bat
Note : You can type anything in the place of pokemon, make sure that start & .bat file, exists unchanged !

3.) Once you're done typing the above part simply save it as, pokemon.bat (file name, name you chose must be same all over) and then changed the, (save as type) to all files and finally hit save!

4.) Bingo you're done. Make sure, you don't open it otherwise, you'll mess up your PC !

   Go ahead spread the fun, this works like a boss on windows xp, pro tip : just to be ahead in the race, try having this thing in your pendrives, simply plug it into any PC(windows), double click to open the file and there's the magic ! haha..
   Just for fun, let's if you're with your Bigger version (bro/sis), he/she is on PC and they're not giving you, your quality time onto the PC. Well that is, if you share your Computer ! So he/she's using computer, ask them that, hey Mom's calling you Brah/Sis ( try to be as genuine as possible) then simply plugin your Pendrive, once he/she leaves & open the batch file, then just sit back & relax, do whatever you were doing earlier, once he/she comes up, just point out, Brahhhh...!!! what's happening to your PC ??

   Let me know, if it worked out for you in the comments section below, please don't do it unnecessarily, it's a request!

Also see : How to share PC's internet on your Android (non rooted)
By: Pratik Patil.

Editor-in-Chief and Founder. A curious soul who strives to make a difference in the world and make the most of life.

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