Lollipop 5.1 Update Bundled With Stagefright Fix Has Been Pushed Out To Moto G(1st Gen) & Moto E(1st Gen) Owners

      About a month ago, Google started pushing out Monthly security patches(Formerly known as Stagefright security patches) to all Nexus & Android One devices. Google also incorporated those changes in AOSP builds of android available for all manufacturers for modifying their Custom Build's of Android, so that the update can be pushed directly to their existing customers.Well after that mostly many major players have pushed out the update to their legacy devices.Whereas Android Marshmallow will have that update already on-board. Recently David confirmed that the Stagefright fix alongside the Lollipop 5.1 will be pushed out to Moto G(1st Gen) & Moto E(1st Gen) devices. Let's dive deeper.

Moto G(1st Gen) :

        Well, Motorola has pushed the Lollipop 5.1 update for Moto G(2013) which is bundled with the latest security patches : " The so called -Stagefright fix update". If you're on Lollipop 5.0/5.0.1/5.0.2, I would definitely recommend you to go for the update, as i know you will! This update will enhance your battery backup(WiFi Drain issue will be fixed), You'll have an overall faster experience throughout the User interface(Many bug fixes have been fixed, which are under the hood). Apart from that the stagefright part will be fixed.
        This update has already started rolling out to existing Moto G(1st Gen) owners in Brazil(Unlocked Units), Although there's no confirmation about the carrier equipped devices, as it depends on the Carrier(At&T, Sprint, Verizon..etc) whether they should pushed the update or not. Also Motorola has started soak test for Moto G (1st Gen) devices with Stagefright Fix for Indian retail units, Full deployment/Update would be pushed to Indian users shortly.

Quicknote : Just in case if you've any other android device, you can checkout this App:
Stagefright Detector (Play Store), which will let you know whether your device is stagefright vulnerable.

Moto E (1st Gen):

    Well Moto E(1st Gen) is also receiving Lollipop 5.1 love by Motorola in more wider regions entangled with the stagefright fix. This update has also been already pushed out to the Users residing in Brazil, India and US (retail units).

     Although Soak test including Stagefright fix is pushed out to Moto G 4G LTE(1st Gen), Moto X (1st Gen) and Moto X (2nd Gen) for Brazil retail.

      There's no official info upon that update reaching droid family or their equivalent big brothers(Moto E,X,G 2nd Gen Global release). I'll definitely update you on that, when i get to know about it.

Source : David Schuster
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By: Pratik Patil.

Editor-in-Chief and Founder. A curious soul who strives to make a difference in the world and make the most of life.

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